Sunday, September 5, 2010

Nerdy Guys.

My aunt Cindy told me tonight that my blog makes her smile and that she gets bummed when I don't write. I don't really have anything deep or meaningful to say tonight but I thought I'd go with a shallow post... just to make Cindy happy.

I love nerdy guys. Some people go for the Brad Pitts and the Matthew McConaugheys and the Hugh Jackmans of the world, and don't get me wrong, they're handsome. I like nerds... and I don't know why. Well, ok, truthfully, they probably aren't nerds in real life, but I like to think that they kind of are. I'd choose a guy in a tie or a cardigan with some nerdy glasses over shirtless and muscly any day. (For real.) My nerd list:

1. Zachary Levi as Chuck from Chuck: my all time favorite nerd.
2. Lee Pace as Ned from Pushing Daisies.
3. Zachary Quinto as Sylar from Heroes. (Don't judge me, I know he was a psycho killer in that show... but for some reason I still find him attractive.)
4. Justin Long as... well, he just always kind of plays a nerd.
5. Christopher Gorham as Henry from Ugly Betty.
I just think they're great. So yes, this post is lame and shallow, but I just think that all of the nerdy guys in the world deserve their time to shine. So here's a shout out to all the nerds out there. My number is ... Just kidding. :)

P.S. So... I felt like I was forgetting someone in my nerd list so I googled "famous guys who play nerds" and came upon this ridiculous website entitled: Nerds Are Sexy. If you're bored, you should check it out... it's pretty hilarious once you get past the beginning about anime and manga...


Aunt Cindy said...

Thanks for the smiles...nerds, I love it. I know that I fit the "Girl Nerd" and I accept it!
Thanks for being my wonderful niece and giving me smiles.

Jessie said...

That's great. I love my fantasy-loving, number crunching nerdy man too. :)