My aunt Cindy told me tonight that my blog makes her smile and that she gets bummed when I don't write. I don't really have anything deep or meaningful to say tonight but I thought I'd go with a shallow post... just to make Cindy happy.
I love nerdy guys. Some people go for the Brad Pitts and the Matthew McConaugheys and the Hugh Jackmans of the world, and don't get me wrong, they're handsome. I like nerds... and I don't know why. Well, ok, truthfully, they probably aren't nerds in real life, but I like to think that they kind of are. I'd choose a guy in a tie or a cardigan with some nerdy glasses over shirtless and muscly any day. (For real.) My nerd list:
1. Zachary Levi as Chuck from Chuck: my all time favorite nerd.

2. Lee Pace as Ned from Pushing Daisies.

4. Justin Long as... well, he just always kind of plays a nerd.

5. Christopher Gorham as Henry from Ugly Betty.

I just think they're great. So yes, this post is lame and shallow, but I just think that all of the nerdy guys in the world deserve their time to shine. So here's a shout out to all the nerds out there. My number is ... Just kidding. :)
P.S. So... I felt like I was forgetting someone in my nerd list so I googled "famous guys who play nerds" and came upon this ridiculous website entitled: Nerds Are Sexy. If you're bored, you should check it out... it's pretty hilarious once you get past the beginning about anime and manga...
Thanks for the smiles...nerds, I love it. I know that I fit the "Girl Nerd" and I accept it!
Thanks for being my wonderful niece and giving me smiles.
That's great. I love my fantasy-loving, number crunching nerdy man too. :)
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