One good thing that did come out of Netflix is that the TV show Pushing Daisies is on "watch instantly" so I've been watching that pretty much non-stop for the last week. Unfortunately the fun is going to end soon, because the show only lasted about 2 half-seasons before it was cancelled (I've decided that it's the writers strike's fault, because the show is too great for such a premature cancellation.) It's a great show... very whimsical, which I love. It's got great characters. The main man is a pie maker (I mean, what's not to love about that). Kristin Chenowith is in it and she busts out in song periodically which is great. The list could go on and on about how much this TV show makes me smile. If you have Netflix, you should check it out. Now.
I was so inspired by the show that today I cut my hair like the main character... Ok, no, I didn't actually cut my hair so I could purposely be just like Chuck/Charlotte. But I did like her hair and now mine kind of looks like hers... Maybe there will be a pie maker around the corner ready to bring me back to life and fall in love with me just like her. Doubtful... but a girl can dream.

I forgot that Kristin Chenowith busts into song randomly. I love that. Such a great show.
Love your hair!
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