I watched the Oscars the other night with my roommates and had an awesome time. Between the beautiful dresses, the hilarious musical pieces, and Meg constantly screaming for The Dark Night and against Benjamin Button... it was quite the evening!
I wish that more of the women had colorful dresses this year though. Everyone was wearing white, off white, champagne, etc. No one really wore color except for the girl from Slumdog and Natalie Portman, which I think was probably my favorite dress of the night.
I thought Hugh Jackman was hilarious. Maybe it's because I like musicals, maybe it's because I think he's good looking. I don't know... But I thought he did a great job. I heard someone on the radio saying that they thought this years Oscars was really boring, but I disagree. Below is Jackman's opening... number? I loved it:I wish that more of the women had colorful dresses this year though. Everyone was wearing white, off white, champagne, etc. No one really wore color except for the girl from Slumdog and Natalie Portman, which I think was probably my favorite dress of the night.

I was excited that Slumdog Millionaire won some awards. It's refreshing to see a happy movie (although it has some tough stuff in it too) win an award. I was glad that Heath Ledger won Best Supporting Actor and I am convinced that I need to see The Curious Case of Benjamin Button and The Reader because apparently they are really good.
Oh, the Oscars... I love it.
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