I thought this show was dead but it randomly has come up in my life twice in the last week (in Slumdog Millionaire and today.) Here's a funny story for you...
Today I was riding the bus to campus when the bus driver (not that it matters, but just so you can get a mental picture, she was a larger African American woman) yells out, "What's the disease when you fall asleep randomly? Epilepsy?" No one really answered her, so I was near the front and said, "Actually, I think it's narcolepsy." And she said, "Oh! Narcolepsy? Hm, one of the other bus drivers was just diagnosed with that. I'm not saying it's funny... but it is strange. I thought that only happened in the movies." She went on to tell us that in the movie Deuce Bigalow some women fell asleep while bowling. I laughed but thought it would be awkward to continue the conversation because it was silent on the bus besides her and me.
A little while later she said, "So what's epilepsy then?" And I replied, "I'm pretty sure that's when you have seizures." Some girl on the bus agreed, and she once again replied with, "Oh! Ok..." Silence again. A little while later, the bus driver said, "How do you know all that stuff? Are you studying medicine or something?" "Nope, I'm actually a Spanish major."
More silence. "You should go on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire since you know so much stuff. You'd at least make $1,000 because the first five questions are easy." I laughed and replied with something like, "Yeah, that'd be nice. I could use $1,000." We then arrived at campus and she wished everyone a good day and as I walked off she said, "Have a great day! I'll talk to you later!" I hope I do talk to her later. She made my day.
Hey Abby - This is Casey from Jon & Jess's house on New Years Eve.... Anyway, I also ride the bus to and from work, and our current driver is a random talker too... It does make you smile and relax, because some of the most random topics come up and they just make you think.... Well, have a great day!
Thats a funny story. I totally pictured the whole thing in my head and laughed out loud. Thanks for sharing. You should totally be on Who whats to be a Millionaire!!
I love your random stories.
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