Monday, May 11, 2009


I've talked about this band before, but Balmorhea is quickly becoming one of my very favorites. I bought another one of their albums last night, All Is Wild, All Is Silent, and it exceeded my expectations by FAR. Their music combines all of the things that I currently love about music. I say currently because it seems like over time my taste has changed, but currently I love:
1. Acoustic guitar
2. Strings
3. Piano
4. Kind of vocals- meaning they sing but it's not really about the lyrics, it's about the sound
5. Harmony

So, thank you, Balmorhea... for giving me a reason to get excited about writing papers because that means I get to have alone time with your music.

Here is a video of a combination of two songs from their newest album. (I know sometimes you're too much in a hurry to a watch video, but just click on this and go check your mail, or Twitter, or Facebook and have it as your background music. You're opinion of good music will be transformed...)

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