Today I was at the airport picking up my parents and aunt and uncle arriving home from their vacation in Hawaii. I love picking people up from the airport. Not the lame drive-by pick-up from the side walk (although I have done that a few times lately due to time constraints). I love going in and people watching. It's like everyone remembers how much they love their loved ones in airports. Whether greeting someone who is just arriving or saying goodbye to someone leaving... everyone loves people more in airports and they aren't afraid to show it (although there was a couple in the airport today that could have used a little fear in them. Holy, PDA!)
I saw some military men in uniform waiting to get on their plane. It reminded me of my good friend Mary who recently left for Navy basic training. I saw a little boy dressed up in khakis and a tie with his mom. She held him up so that he could watch his dad (I assumed... I guess I made their story up in my head) walk off the plane. I really wanted to see them when they finally greeted each other but I didn't have a chance because the people that I was there to see got off the plane... Which is another part I love about airports... I love the initial hug when greeting the people you are picking up. It's just great... And then the stories that people have from their trips... I love hearing those. I just love it all.
I am so jealous of your ability to find something thoughtful or interesting or exciting or inspiring about each day. Basically I love your blog :)
Way to appreciate airports my friend. I always think a lot when I'm in them, too. Hence my constant listening to "Wheel" by John Mayer and my love for the beginning and end of Love Actually.
Great post. It inspired me to start writing a song. I'll let you know when its done.
I totally thought of Love Actually too. Love that movie!
Yeah, I meant to write something about the scene from Love Actually because I, too, totally thought of the scene. I tried to find a clip of it on YouTube to put on here but I had no luck... Great movie and great scene though!
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