Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Noticias buenisimas!

(My future roommate Sara and I!)

As most of you know I was all ready to study abroad in the Dominican Republic next semester when at the last minute (not THAT last minute, but kind of...) I changed my mind. Because I was planning on being out of the country next semester (my last at MU) I, of course, didn't make any plans for life here: meaning I didn't enroll in classes and I didn't have a place to live. So when I changed my mind and decided to stay here that added a little craziness because I was about a month late in figuring all that stuff out.

The classes issue was kind of crazy. I stressed more and prayed less than I should have, but eventually I met with this wonderful woman named Flor Zephir who solved all my problems. The next issue was finding a place to live. I got my hopes up and things kept not working out. Once again, I stressed more and prayed less than I should have, but this morning I got a call from my Bible study leader Sara offering me a place to live with her and her husband in their beautiful house... for free. So I officially have a place to live!

My trust in God wavered throughout this whole process. At times I felt at peace that God would take care of everything because I knew that I decided not to study abroad for a reason. Other times I got so frustrated and wanted to scream, "Why can't You just make this easy!" But God provided. I just need to learn to trust Him more consistently... because He seems to keep His end of the deal every time.


Whit said...

Amen girlfriend...I have the same problems! That's awesome that it all worked out. It usually does :)

Valeria said...

So happy : ) You forgot to mention one thing: Copper! You'll have a dog!! aw. Y'all can come visit me and we can go on walks! ha.

Sarah Nabholz said...

I'm so glad everything is FINALLY working out for you in the housing department! And by the way, Sara is so cute!